New Business Marketing

​​​​How Can New Businesses Optimize Their Marketing Campaigns & Overcome Challenges

Disclosure:  Today’s post was written exclusively for DelBlogger by Donna Maurer 


laptop, smartphone and coffee on a desk


Creating a fanbase or loyal customers can take time for a new business. And with marketing developing instrumentally in the last two decades, there is a ton to keep up with. Many businesses are learning the powerful tool of blogging. In fact, companies that blog get 55% more traffic. 

So, with that impressive stat, how can new businesses optimize their marketing campaigns to gain success? Well, reorganizing their marketing strategy is a good start. 

Automate For Efficiency

One of the big perks of technology today is that you can save time by letting the computer handle tasks for you. Content Management Systems were designed with business in mind; not taking full advantage of them would be a miss. This increases efficiency so the business can take time developing relationships with strong leads, continue to improve their business, and so on. There are many areas for automation. Here is where a business should start.

  • Email Sequencing

Email sequencing is a must for businesses because it automates your email and helps send the right emails in the buyer’s journey. A welcome email should not be going to a long-term client. 

Email sequencing creates unique chains that offer things like reminders for when the buyer forgets to check out. It also may suggest similar items to keep them interested. By automating the entire process, you can weed out cold leads without spending any time on them.

  • Scheduled Posts

Just like emails should be going out on a schedule, your social media posts should also be scheduled. Lining your posts up in a queue, so they go out at the right time is incredibly helpful. It also helps cross=share amongst all the platforms, so the message goes out to different user bases. 

Benefits of Scheduling:

  1. Reach the right time zone at the right time. If your business lies mostly on PST but goes out at 10 EST, most customers won’t see or engage with it. 
  2. Content consistency is important for your user base. They need to know they regularly get content to engage with the business. 
  3. Engage with your audience to get better feedback about the business and brand. Use “Call to Action” ideas and interactive media to start conversations.

This will ultimately give you more time to learn who your audience is and what they need. Here is the best way to do that. 


scheduling posts


Spend Time Learning Your Audience

When businesses can free up their space with automation, they can spend more time figuring out who their audience is and how to connect with them correctly. This is where a warm lead can be converted into a hot lead and maximize business potential. 

Website Visitor Identification

Website visitor identification is software used for identifying who your customer is. You get to learn important things about their demographic that can help you understand their buying process. Knowing where they are in the world is the first big information lead. 

Finding out who they are also can be discovered. Knowing whether your audience is mostly females or males from a certain geographical location can help you serve your audience or tailor your business to open up more possibilities. Website visitor identification eliminates the guesswork. 

Follow The Sales Funnel

With a tool like a website visitor identification, you can follow the buyer’s journey and improve your email sequencing. Knowing how they navigate your business’s website is arguably one of the most important things.

For example, following the buyer’s journey can tell you whether they backed out at the last minute in checkout. One potential solution is adjusting the price to see if this is the issue. 

To keep your customers engaged in the sales funnel or buyer’s journey, you may have to consider how you can give them something worth sticking around for. 


sales funnel


Blogging And Ways To Give Back

An important part of marketing and business strategy is giving back to your customer base. Blogging is one of the most optimal ways to do that. Free information is both valuable and demonstrates expertise. Pairing this with loyalty programs and incentives is the best way to go.

  • SEO Blog

There is no better time spent than having a search engine-optimized blog. Ranking high on Google to become one of the top search results does remarkable things for your business. You can more easily engage with an audience by using valuable keywords and following the algorithm. Effective management of an SEO project takes time and skill, outsourcing it to the right company is a good investment.

  • Loyalty Programs

Why should a customer choose you? Especially if they haven’t developed trust with your brand or products yet. By providing loyalty programs to thank them for their support, you create incentives for them to return. Engaging with users to get feedback to better improve the business is one of the most valuable things you can do within your loyalty programs. 

Optimization Means Automation

When it boils down to it, a new business needs to be able to get its customer’s attention and keep it. They don’t have the resources and money to operate like a big business. That means efficiency is the pinnacle of saving costs while generating revenue, instead of hiring someone to waste time on cold leads, hire someone to work on hot leads that were sorted out through an automated system. 

This creates time for managing real relationships and improving the business to fit customers’ needs. Feedback is given through social platforms, the blog, and tracking the movements of the buyer through website visitor identification. From here, a business can fast-track its success by taking the guesswork out of its marketing campaigns. 

Then when the right campaign is set, that can be automated through sponsored and scheduled posts and email sequencing! 



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