3-P’s of Blogging: Passion, Purpose & Perseverance

3-P’s of Blogging

Passion, Purpose & Perseverance





When choosing a topic or niche, whether it’s crafting, pets, DIY, travel, cars, sports, foods, or fashion it must be your PASSION. Your passion is what drives you to share your blog with the world. It is what you will be writing about for months or even years from now.


“Passion is what drives you to share your blog with the world”


Niche Blogging – when choosing a topic, start broad then narrow it down to a very specific topic. For example, if your passion is PARENTING, narrow it down to “parenting children with special needs” or “parenting multiples” or “parenting bi-racial children”.

If your interest is high-end fashion, narrow it down to just shoes or purses. The smaller the niche the more targeted your audience becomes and the competition pools gets smaller making it easier to get noticed. These are samples of niche blogs.

Passion in life is good but we all know that it can sometimes cause tunnel vision so be flexible, engage your readers, respond to their comments and value other’s opinions. Depending on your topic or niche there will be some that don’t always agree with what you have written but you can diffuse them with “I appreciate your opinion” response or simply delete those negative/spam comments.




What is your purpose? Are you blogging to educate, entertain, or inspire others, or are you blogging just share the daily activities of your family, hobbies or pets? Once you make that decision, the next thing you want to think about is HOW OFTEN WILL YOU POST?

Will you be posting daily? 1, 2, 3, or even 7 days per week, taking into account that you can spend an average of 2-3 hours per post depending on the topic/niche. You can always be flexible in your posting schedule but you must be consistent.

As you gain followers, they will be looking for new content and if you are sporadic in your postings eventually they will lose interest and move on to another blog. In your writings, be honest, cite your sources if using other’s material, posts or images, and write using your voice as only you can – “Do You Boo Boo!”  






When starting your blog you may want to start small, but not too small and stick with it even if no one is reading it. When I created, the first published post was a small picture of a bottle of nail polish, there were no words, captions or links and there were definitely no “likes.” As a matter of fact not one of my blog posts received a comment or even a “like” for 3 months and I was posting every day sometimes twice per day.



Finding and sharing deals was my passion so I didn’t give up, I just kept posting, reading, commenting and following other blogs until I got noticed with that first “like” – and you never forget your first and it’s icing on the cake if it comes with a comment!

When first starting out, read and follow other bloggers as this will help you when writing your own posts. You are not reading these blogs with the intent of copying them, but rather to learn from them. If you have a question or need assistance with something, reach out to them as most active bloggers are honored to be asked, so don’t be afraid to do so.


To learn more about my blogging services, please head over to ABlakeEnterprises.

Do you have any other blogging tips to share?