
Daughters of Deborah – 3 Day Women’s Retreat in Wilmington


On Sunday, I had an opportunity to interview Pastor Jason Furlow, of Jason Furlow Ministries and in case you missed it, you can listen to the Podcast here.




Pastor Furlow is presenting “Daughters of Deborah” a 3-Day Women’s Retreat that is going to be held in Wilmington at the Sheraton Hotel downtown starting tomorrow.

The first event will be a Black Dress Affair which will begin at 8:00 p.m., attendees are asked to wear purple accessories in honor of Lupus Awareness Month.  This party with a purpose is in support  of #LupusAwarenessMonth and a raffle will be held as a fundraiser for the cause.




Friday during the day there will be different breakout sessions with speakers covering various topics including health and wellness, finances, and entrepreneurship.  These Bootcamp like workshops are meant to embrace and further empower women with economic, physical and business awareness.


On Friday night there will be a Chat and Chew Pajama Party hosted by Mother Ella Furlow and topics covered will include relationships, marriage, sex, health and the overall well being of the mind, body and spirit.




Saturday will be a fun-filled day of education, entertainment, worship and wisdom so head over the Eventbrite page to register as you don’t want to miss out on this pre-Mother’s Day weekend!


Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win the “Mother’s Day Greeting Cards” Giveaway!


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