Completed Turkey Dinner

Turkey Time!

Disclosure:  As a member of Switch Circle for Jennie-O, I receive products throughout the year to review, however, all opinions are 100% my own.


It’s Turkey Time!!!!  Yes, can you believe that Thanksgiving is only 23 days away?  I don’t know about you, but in our home, we no longer prepare large family dinners, especially since it’s only hubby and my two mini-men.


I do, however, miss the big family gatherings that we once had, but now prefer a much calmer day without having to spend a lot of time in the kitchen nor spend a lot of money preparing a large meal which makes the Jennie-O Oven Ready, No Thawing Boneless Turkey Breast a perfect option for us.




A 2-3 pound Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey Breasts is more than enough for a full meal, however, I must admit it’s not enough for leftovers so if you like eating Turkey Sandwiches or making Turkey soup, then you should get a  Jennie-O Turkey Whole Turkey which I made last year.



It is easy to prepare and you don’t have to worry about having enough room in the freezer, or oven which will give you plenty of room to make baked potatoes or any other side dish or dessert that you wish to bake.


Easy Thanksgiving meal ingredients


I always cook collards or kale as our vegetable of choice and if you watch this video you’ll see how I like to make my kale.



cooking kale


Video created on Twitter in 2015


Follow the easy step by step instructions on the back of the package and your Thanksgiving meal or Sunday dinner will be ready in under 2 hours.  The package of frozen gravy should be placed in the refrigerator while the turkey cooks and then add some of the drippings to make a delicious covering for your turkey or potatoes.


Frozen gravy and Jennie-O Turkey Breast

Oh, and you can even Slow Cook the Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey Breast which I may try the next time.


Let’s Chat:  What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day memory?


The information in this blog is provided “AS IS” with no warranties and confers no rights.  This blog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer, it is solely my opinion.

Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely insane in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.

5 thoughts on “Turkey Time!

  1. Good morning dear Del and thanks for sharing thus practical way to cook some turkey. Now let me talk “sone turkey” with you. I can forgive you for your “sweet lies” about reading 16 blogs of mine in a row ( you can get a serious indigestion) but I can’t do the same when you totally ignore the sacred carbs on the table. Where are my mashed potatoes, eh? Un grosso baccione.

    1. I know right, dinner is never complete without carbs, but I didn’t want them to be the focal point of the pic, so I excluded them, however, they were good! Now back to your 16 posts – I’ve got a lotta reading to do!

  2. This turkey breast is the perfect solution to a smaller Thanksgiving dinner. Actually its great for any Sunday dinner, why have Turkey only for Thanksgiving?!

  3. I forgot about Jennie-O having Turkeys! I’m undecided what we’re going to do for Thanksgiving; maybe fry a turkey like last year. If we do, I’ll check out Jennie-O brand. Thanks sis!

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