podcast promotion via storytelling

Storytelling Sells a Podcast


How many of you remember listening to your parents, grandparents, siblings, aunties, uncles or even teachers reading you stories?


storytelling in school


I remember having a reading circle in my classroom when I taught 3rd grade and it was the best part of the day.  Having all the kids sit in a circle while I read to them some would lay back and close their eyes while I read – they were probably imaging the scenes and characters in the book not aware that I was showing the pictures after each paragraph.


I loved reading to my sons when they were young, making the voices of the Disney Characters like Mickey Mouse or Pluto, this too was the best time of the day.


Why do you think LeVar Burton’s Reading Rainbow was so popular?

Most people love listening to stories and that is why storytelling sells a podcast.



You have to be relatable to your listeners, you have to offer them something – education, entertainment, enlightenment, inspiration, motivation – something, but more importantly, you have to tell the story in order to sell them to come back for more.


Now, not everyone is a good storyteller, nor is everyone a good podcaster, but if you are good at telling stories, not LIES, then you probably are a good podcaster.

Human’s brains are wired to listen and recall which is why you probably can remember your favorite story.  So when you are podcasting, try to do the same for your listeners.

As you craft your story, remember people like to listen to those who:

  • Inspire them
  • Challenge them
  • Educate them
  • Get them emotionally charged, e.g. angry, elated, furious, outraged, etc.

So your goal in creating your own brand story is to position yourself in one of these four major categories, or all four categories, in the eyes of your ideal audience.

Structure your stories for your audience and in using those categories you can use your podcast to sell yourself with Consulting/Coaching or Sell a Product/Service

Remember, storytelling also sells a podcast, it brings people back to you time and time again for more information, education, entertainment, motivation, inspiration….you!


storytelling banner

So do you boo boo as only you can do, don’t fall into the imposter syndrome trap but remember, you are leaving a legacy with your voice and with your vision, mission and voice – you can literally change someone’s life.

If you are ready to get started, send an email to me at [email protected] to schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call and then sign up for the Podcasting Your Purpose Coaching Sessions.


Find and follow me on all my social media platforms using the linktr.ee/ablakeenterprises


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