ABC’s of Blogging


ABC’s of Blogging

Always Be Creating





As a blogger you are constantly writing, but how do you capture and keep your audience’s attention, what do you need to do to keep them coming back for more? Start by learning your ABC’s – Always Be Creating.


“Woman Gives Birth To an Alien Baby”


Have you ever stood in a grocery store line and read a headline such as this in one of those magazines or “newspapers”? Did it capture your attention, or perhaps the picture of an alien baby peeked your curiosity to read further. Well that is how you have to think when writing a new post, no, it doesn’t have to be as dramatic as alien babies but it should make your readers want more.


Tips To Keep Your Readers Coming Back For More


Build Excitement

Grab the attention of your readers by creating fun or exciting titles for your posts. Sometimes it helps to write the title after you’ve written the post. The sum of the post can spark a more interesting title after it has been written.  Once you have written your post, read it aloud which may trigger a titillating title.


Bye-Bye…Go Outside

The best posts are inspired from real life, leave the house, leave your laptop or computer. Go for a walk, take a road trip, attend an event, ‘live life’. Read books and magazines, talk to friends, get out in the real world you never know what will spark a post idea.  Don’t forget to take a camera to capture moments to get your juices flowing!




Do Something (DIY)

Show and tell. People love learning something new and enjoy watching it even more. Create a YouTube or Livestream a Facebook video showing an experience or provide a tutorial then write about it.





While you are out and about living life, perhaps there is someone out there you can interview? Is there a new restaurant or hot spot opening? Is there a sporting event or play happening at the local high school or college, maybe even an author or entertainer is in town for the weekend. If you can grab an interview or a get a testimonial it will definitely add credibility to your blog.

Have Fun

Everyone likes a good joke or a funny cartoon. Show your personality with something light, we all need a means of escape every now and again if only for a few minutes.

Quotes & Inspirational Messages

Read something inspirational, a quote or poem, share it with your readers, again, we can all use some uplifting words in our lives.



Little known Facts

“This day in history” can spark ideas for great posts and they are fun. Share a little known or inspiring historical fact, make sure to fact check them first. You can also write posts about “what life would be like without….” an invention or an event.

Sharing is Caring!

Blogging isn’t a competition, it’s about sharing information, stories, ideas, and inspiration so recommend other blogs. Care less about your numbers and more about your reader, they will thank you for it and stay loyal longer.  My blogging friend, MadamTooMuch has some great sites that she loves to share so go over there and check her out.


Let’s Chat > How Do You Keep Your Readers Coming Back for More?



To learn more about my blogging services, please head over to ABlakeEnterprises.


3 thoughts on “ABC’s of Blogging

  1. Great post my Dear. I love the idea of going outside to mix and mingle. I get some of my post ideas from just talking to people. THANKS for the link-up Sis.. You are me Shero. . .

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