You may recall the 2017 DelBlogger Podcast interview that I had with Travis Rothstein, owner of ConnecTheDot where he and I discussed the importance of branding your business.

Well we recently had a conversation and I told him that I wanted a new logo design, one that reflected more of me and my personality. I had worked with another designer and loved his work but with a little tweaking I now have “my perfect” A.Blake Enterprises logo – what do you think?

However, as we all know, branding is more than just a logo so whether you are a new or even a well established business owner, who may be looking for a new logo or web design, here is an infographic that may help you in your decision making process.

Branding Your Business
Large corporations invest a great deal of time and resources in creating and maintaining a brand. They often work with major branding agencies and have their own marketing and design departments.
But, if you like me are operating on a smaller scale and budget, head over to ConnecTheDot and tell Travis that Antionette Blake, the Delaware Blogger sent you and he will try to work within your budget.
Let’s Chat > are you ready for a redesign or a new logo?