Cones & Conversation – What’s Your Podcast Flavor?

Learn more about how ice cream Kings Ben & Jerry are launching a podcast and why you should start one too

Cones & Conversation – What’s Your Podcast Flavor?  

On this Labor Day 2020, I want you to work…yes, I want you to work on yourself…what is your passion…what is your purpose?

I want you to think about 4 things that you are passionate about and then write them down…yes, grab a pen and paper and WRITE them down, then take a long look at each of them.

Did you write down, art, writing, music, inspiration, meditation, education, accounting, real estate, drawing, dining, traveling, fashion, food, fun…or was it something else?





What are four topics that you can talk about for at least 15 minutes every week for months and years to come?  Once you have written them down, I want you to give each of them a title.  

When writing the titles, think of something catchy, something that captures your personality, something that you would be proud to see on a Billboard as you ride down Route 95!

Next I want you to choose one of those titles and then start a podcast….yes, a podcast – you can do it!

ice cream cones with podcast mic

Cones & Conversation – What’s Your Podcast Flavor?

Michelle Obama and many others have started a podcast, even Ben & Jerry are launching a podcast on racism, yes the Ice Cream Kings are creating a podcast, check out this article to read more.  

Just like an ice cream cone which can be comforting, so can a podcast also be.

If you haven’t heard about podcasting, I don’t know where you have been, but please believe that podcasting it’s a perfect medium in which to share your passion…your mission and your vision; it’s a great way to leave a lasting legacy for others coming up behind you.

Now, when you are ready to start your podcast, send an email to schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call and to get a copy of a Podcasting Checklist then sign up for the Podcasting Your Purpose Coaching Session.

Okay, you can now get back to relaxing, unwinding and enjoying this Labor Day holiday, but don’t forget you have work to do and I expect the answer to my question in the comment section below!

Happy Labor Day future Podcaster!

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for daily podcasting pointers.

I want to know what you think, please leave a comment and share with your circle.

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