Today’s Guest Post was contributed by Maurine Anderson
First things first: any serious medical condition should, of course, be examined and addressed by a licensed healthcare professional. With that being said, however, it’s never a bad thing to also discuss with your doctor how you might be able to alter your lifestyle to boost your mental health.
Here are some proven (and sometimes unexpected) ways that you can actually improve your mental health for better all-around well being.
Spend time outdoors.
Studies have shown that spending time in nature can actually decrease brain activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, which is the region of the brain that’s active when you’re engaging in negative thinking. It also has the power to improve self-esteem and relieve symptoms of a variety of mental health conditions.

Try aromatherapy.
Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to boost mental health—in a warm bath, in an essential oil diffuser, or in a cup of hot tea, for example. And certain essential oils actually have positive mental health benefits tied to them.This article, for example, mentions that lavender can be used to encourage sleep and relaxation; lemon can relieve effects of depression and anxiety, and
eucalyptus can offer clarity of the mind.
Get a massage.
Speaking of aromatherapy, aromatherapy can be used in conjunction with massage to boost mental health benefits even further. According to to
this article, getting a massage relieves stress and stabilizes your overall mental state. In fact, it even triggers the release of “happiness” hormones like dopamine and endorphins, giving you an instant boost of gratification.

Meditating isn’t only for the spiritually centered—it is a practice that anyone looking to improve their mental health can incorporate in daily life. Meditation has the power to rewire thought patterns, decrease pain perception, and clear the mind from distraction—a common symptom amongst those with mental health conditions.

Get some exercise..
It may sound like common sense, but the benefits of exercise are simply too great to leave this one unsaid. Mental health may be only one aspect of your health, but it is truly related to every other aspect of your well-being—including your physical health. Research has found that those who get regular physical exercise are more resilient to the cognitive decline that comes with age.
Exercise can also reduce the symptoms of many mental health conditions and improve sleeping patterns. And for those who prefer having immediate gratification, physical exercise, like massage, triggers the release of “happiness” hormones, resulting in a lifted mood.

Have a cup of green tea or matcha.
Ever wonder why so many health-conscious individuals seem to drink green tea daily? Green tea has a variety of mental health benefits to offer—as does its powdered relative,
According to
this article about
the health benefits of green tea and matcha, drinking green tea or matcha can relieve stress, improve your memory, and minimize neurological health conditions—among many other physical health benefits which can only support stronger mental health.
Eat mental-health promoting foods.
Green tea isn’t the only thing that can boost your mental health. A variety of other foods has been linked to stronger mental health, including salmon, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and berries.
Practice self-care.
All of the tips in this article have something in common—they involve some form of self-care. Self-care is essential because if you are not in a proper mental state in the first place, you simply won’t be able to look outward and serve others. So in addition to the tips listed above, don’t underestimate the power of small forms of self-care, such as taking a nap, cleaning your living environment, or spending a few minutes in the morning on personal hygiene.
Do service for someone.
You’d think that the perfect picture of happiness was relaxing in a peaceful place, with plenty of money to buy you just about anything you could ever want. But studies have actually shown that people are happier in life when they center their focus around meaningful activities rather than hedonism. So if you’re looking for more happiness to boost your mental health, let happiness be a side effect of taking part in meaningful pursuits that will help others.
Let’s Chat: what are some of the things that you do to relax your mind and body?
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