Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, solopreneur or are just running a side gig? If so, are you finding it harder and harder to get noticed in the crowded social media field? If so, perhaps adding a blog to your marketing tool bag may help you.

It may help you get more traffic because a website is static, which means that it doesn’t change often and with free social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram your posts can get lost in the crowded field.
However, if you have a blog with consistent content that changes and you are sharing it to your clients and customers via emails or a newsletter, you may get a better return on your investment (ROI).
So, if you didn’t have an opportunity to listen to Episode #7 of Blog Your Way to a Business Profit, I invite you to do so now, then share it with anyone that you feel may benefit from it as well.
Blogging is a marketing tactic that uses blog posts or articles to get your business more online visibility. A business blog is another marketing channel like social media, direct mail, and email marketing which all helps support business growth.
However, with a blog, you own it and you can promote it to your readers using a newsletter and you have control over the distribution as opposed to the algorithms used on Facebook or the other social media platforms.

How are you connecting with your clients today?

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4 thoughts on “Why You Should Brand Your Business with a Blog”
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I just blog for fun, but I think that blogging would be a great way to connect with clients/customers.
Yes, especially if you have a product or service to offer.
I’ ve seen so much about this lately so glad to you have your thoughts.
Yes, thank you, every business should have a blog.