WHEN LOVE IS THE WAY! A Sermon by “The Royal Wedding Preacher” Reverend Michael Curry

Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on the time of day or night that you are reading this post or from where you are reading it.

I am going to be honest and admit that I wasn’t “over the top” excited for the Royal Wedding and wasn’t even going to watch it.  Don’t get me wrong, love and marriage is wonderful, an institution I advocate for, after all hubby and I will be celebrating our 28th year in August.


Words of Love & Marriage from The Royal Wedding Preacher Michael Curry


However, when I woke up this morning (late), I did something that I don’t normally do, and that’s turn on the television.  My morning routine does not include watching television as reading scriptures and praying is how I arm and start my day, however, on this dreary Saturday morning, I turned on the telly…oops, tv instead.

I started watching the NBC coverage, then turned to CBS and finally CNN, I had missed the actually wedding ceremony, but instead was listening to the “Royal Wedding Preacher” Rev. Michael Curry – transfixed in his sermon POWER OF LOVE!




I want to say, thank you God for Reverend Curry and for allowing him to bring all of us this word.  I feel as though my day is armed and believe many others were as well….when love is the way.

Oh, and that choir was on fire too!!!!

Let’s Chat > Did you get up early to watch the Royal Wedding? Did you hear Reverend Curry’s sermon?  Please feel free to share this post with your family, friends and followers.


“Dr. King was right: ‘We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that, we will be able to make of this old world a new world. Love is the only way.’”

10 thoughts on “WHEN LOVE IS THE WAY! A Sermon by “The Royal Wedding Preacher” Reverend Michael Curry

  1. I woke up and turned the TV on to check out the Royal Wedding. I had no idea that Rev Curry would be delivering one of the most powerful and healing sermons of all times. There is a balm in Gilead… Jesus is the bomb. God knows what this world needs. Thank you Lord for Reverend Curry. The world needed to hear that sermon. Did you notice the dazed look on some of the faces of the wedding guests while Rev Curry delivered “the message”? I can’t stop praising God. Excellent blog post sis.

    1. YES YES YES – I am so glad that he had a captive audience of millions, perhaps billions – God doesn’t make any mistakes. I will watch a bit more of it later this evening. Hope all is well on your side of the world sis.

  2. I woke up early enough to see the entire wedding ceremony. I LOVED LOVED LOVED that sermon. I had a feeling some of the audience was asking “what just happened here?” but I was so uplifted; I could have listened to him for hours. And that choir, singing Stand by Me, I am going to post that on my Music Monday feature. What an absolutely amazing thing happened this morning.

    1. Yes, it was such an uplifting sermon and the choir was on fire – it was definitely a beautiful wedding and I wish them many years of happiness, blessings and success!

  3. I’m in Los Angeles so our time zone would have made it difficult. I turned on CNN, though and have been enjoying the coverage. It’s a nice change from all the ugly news lately. You can see the love in their faces. So refreshing!

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