Last week I had an opportunity to present “Be Aware Of What You Share Online” to several Middle School students.

I was invited to speak at Gateway Lab Charter School by Mrs. Pam Draper, the Business Manager and I agreed to participate during their Career Week Speaker Series to share my journey as a Social Media Marketer.

I spoke to 9 different groups of students for 15 minutes each and the students were in the 6th 7th and 8th grade, between the ages of 12 to 14 years old.

Each group of students rotated to different classrooms as there were other presenters as part of this week long program at Gateway Lab Charter School.
Within each group they are approximately 11 students and they ranged from being very quiet or introverted to overly excited with lots of energy and questions, but overall it was a great afternoon.

Most of you know that I was previously an educator, I have a BS Degree in Elementary Education but hadn’t been in a classroom with 6th/7th/8th graders since 1981.

As a professional speaker, it was the first time presenting to students in Middle School, however, I have spoken to High Scool and College students as well as many adults during my years as the owner of A.Blake Enterprises Social Media Marketing and Consulting.

Check out the video below which was recorded during one of the nine Presentations and let me know what you think.
Let’s Chat > Have you ever had an opportunity to speak with students about your career?

[email protected]
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2 thoughts on “Be Aware of What You Share Online a Presentation for Middle School Students”
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“Right and Tight”! “Never Ever”! I loved your presentation. That age is a tough crowd, even if they absorb just one tip you, presented of all good ones, it was time well spent for them. Yes your glasses look very cute.