Co-Marketing Masters Show Live from Home

Poised to Pivot Your Business During the Pandemic for Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Marketing Monday

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On Thursday evening, two of my fellow Co-Marketing Masters and I, Cathy E Smith and Darrell Spears went live on Facebook to discuss Poised to Pivot Your Business During the Pandemic for Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Normally we tape our monthly shows at the Prince George’s County Studios in Maryland, but due to the pandemic we had to virtually create this show.

Who are the Co-Marketing Masters

As business owners we are sharing our knowledge and experience. We take our knowledge and share it with others in our respective buckets. Small business and solopreneurs those trying to wear many hats and do it themselves and those who do gig jobs. We have done a lot of research about the needs of small businesses, solopreneurs, and those still working a full-time job. We have been around for about 18 months – we didn’t just pop up.

This 30-minute show was a great way in which to connect with our target market audience and next Thursday, we will be discussing Health and Wellness tips for working from home as well as resources that are free or low cost that will help you save money during the pandemic.

During this show we discussed why it’s a great time to really assess our business. We have to think of it from a universal perspective. Some companies were struggling before COVID-19. Some businesses were doing great. For those that were steady with your products and services, you can create even more value.

This is a good time to assess the business before you go out and spend money to support your business. Find out what you can do to support those clients you already have, you may need to cut the fat and re-evaluate expenses.

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Maybe this would be a good time to do some list building. If you had a brick and mortar office and now you have had to figure out a way to pivot that into an online. Maybe when this is all over you, your new normal may be virtual or maybe a co-working space where you can reduce your expenses.

Perhaps you may want to put that money into marketing. I believe a lot of people had not thought about the marketing strategy. A lot of times make marketing the last part of their budget whereas now if they had already built a list and constant connection with their audience, then they would be able to better position now.

We have to think of creative ways in which to stay in front of our clients especially when people aren’t hiring? The last thing a small business owner or entrepreneur wants to do is sit back and do nothing. Promote your podcast. Promote your book. Promote your blog. Use content that you have already created – re-purpose. Those of you that have been working a 9 to 5 and you know you have a gift, this is a great time to invest in yourself.

So take a few minutes to listen to the entire show then make sure to tune in on Thursday at 7:00 PM to listen to our discussion about ways in which to stay healthy during the pandemic.

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