seniors and their family are online

Seniors are Social Media Savvy

I have been writing about Seniors and Social Media since 2015, and I wanted to repost this article from Blogging with Blake with a few updates as seniors are still very social, we now have a “Twitterer in Chief”!

Seniors were often an overlooked segment of the population when it came to Social Media, do you remember those kooky commercials with the couple is staring into a webcam trying to make sense of it all or perhaps they feel that their brains can’t handle new technology.

Well in just a few short years, not only have seniors embraced new technology, but they are beginning to master it like nobody’s business.

Around a third of seniors report using social media

As most of us embrace and look forward to the next application to master, seniors are catching up with and enjoying the ride.

As a boomer who blogs I get excited when asked advice from a millennial blogger, and it makes me laugh when they say, “hey my mom would love that”.   My sons are 21 and 25, and I can teach them a thing or two as well.

Check out this interview on WHYY  where I stated that, “social media is the end-all be-all of innovation, which keeps our minds active” and I truly believe that.

Years ago, if seniors played card games, read books, crocheted or knitted it was considered therapeutic in keeping their minds sharp. Now blogging, smartphones and social media is what keeps their minds sharp.

My husband’s aunt who is 85 loves her Apple Watch and enjoys Facetime conversations with him on her iPad…as long as her hair is done!

Alda's Apple Watch


Just imagine if we were able to live stream video from a mobile device 20 years ago…there would be no need to save baby teeth in little plastic bags or strands of hair in boxes. We would have just flipped out our smartphone to Livestream, Periscope or sent an Instagram video to our family and friends or simply wrote a blog post with all the latest happenings.




Seniors are Social and for far more than just connecting with the kids and grands watching them grow or seeing them throw out their first pitch. They are sharing selfies, watching news reports and videos; gaming, reading, researching and completing contests. Live streaming entertainment, searching for new sources of health and financial advice, information and publications are easily accessible to seniors and are taking full advantage of it.

Assisted Living communities are also using social media to stay connected, and not only with their 50+ residents, but also with the children of these residents. Keeping them informed of activities as well as targeted marketing for those who may be considering homes for themselves or their parents.


AARP the #1 nonprofit organization that provides numerous benefits to its members 50+ and older also understands that being social is the best way to connect with their targeted audience. With over 40 million members, AARP is using Social Media to connect with their members and have more than 1 million likes on Facebook and over 62,000 Twitter followers alone.


Brands recognize the importance of engaging with seniors because they are becoming more social media savvy than any senior generation before.

Let’s Chat:  Are you or a loved one a Social Savvy Senior?

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