Summer is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end!

We have a few more weeks to enjoy the summer fun, so check out a few great events coming to Artzscape in Wilmington during the month of September – which by the way is my birthday month – YAY VIRGOS!!!
Summer Fun in September at Artzscape

So if you want to learn more about these social summer events or about any upcoming events this fall; head over the the Artzscape Website and be sure to tell them that the Delaware Blogger sent you!

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2 thoughts on “Summer Fun in September at Artzscape”
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I’m a September baby too! Mine is the day after the interview comes out. ? I’m usually working and I’ll be working this year too. But I always say one year, I’m going to take off for my birthday. Not this year though. ? Maybe next! Or maybe a milestone birthday…Gotta have something to look forward to. ?
Happy Birthday Virgo! You should always take your birthday off, as it should be the one day that you celebrate life!!!