The Demographic Revolution HBCU Tour


Whitney E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. Introduces The Demographic Revolution HBCU’s Kick Off Tour at Delaware State University


February 10 – 12, 2017. Roger Johnson Sr. Host/Alumni DSU, CEO of the Whitney E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. and All About Us Teen Talk TV-RADIO-MAGAZINE is hosting this two- day event covering the demographic change, implications of this change in the present. As well as formulating plans and actions to meet the needs of the minority youth who make up this new majority.

The Panel Featured speakers will include New York Times columnist Charles Blow, Former NFL Player Marques Ogden, United Nations Barrister-in-Law Ugoji Adams Eze., Esq., HRH Yomi Garnett, MD., Thabiti Boone, Former White House Champion For Fatherhood, Delaware State University Faculty members and Scholars.

New York, New York, January 9, 2017 – The Whitney E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. 501(c)(3) and The Lighthouse Education Foundation will represent a symposium on The Emergence of the New American Majority at Delaware State University on February 10 – 12, 2017. Roger Johnson Sr. Host/Alumni DSU, CEO of the Whitney E. Johnson Foundation, Inc. and All About Us Teen Talk TV-RADIO-MAGAZINE.

This two- day event covers demographic change, implications of this change and presents and formulates plans and actions to meet the needs of the minority youth who make up this new majority.

The Demographic Revolution panel discussion will encompass the works of:

Dr. William Frey, Senior Analyst of Brookings Institute and author of Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America, and the work of Mr. Steve Phillips, a Civil Rights Attorney, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; and New York Times Best-selling Author of, Brown Is the New White. The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Marvin Thompson, Educator and CEO of the Lighthouse Education Foundation.

“The change in the makeup of the country is reflected in the demography of race and age. It may be the opportunity that America needs to move to issues affecting us all rather than the tribal environment in which we currently find ourselves. We cannot do that without looking into who we are becoming and embracing it.” -Dr. Marvin Thompson

Featured speakers include New York Times columnist Charles Blow, former NFL Player Marques Ogden, United Nations Barrister-in-Law Ugoji Adams Eze., Esq., HRH Yomi Garnett, MD., Thabiti Boone, Former White House Champion For Fatherhood. Delaware State University faculty members and scholars are also panelists.

For the full list of the symposium program/activities, please contact:
Tracie Anderson
Tel: 646-600-9446
Email: [email protected]

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