On a Sunday a few weeks ago, Tonette, a good friend of mine who I met in high school sent a text inviting me to attend the Grand Opening of a Nail Salon in Dover. Sundays are usually my self-care day, with no dressing up nor driving anywhere day, but this Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting was special because the nail salon is owned and operated by her niece Michelle so you know I was excited to go!
I had never met Michelle and had only seen her in Facebook pics, but once I entered the shop my heart began to palpitate and my eyes watered as I was looking at the splitting image of her mother at her age and it took me back to the mid 1970’s when she & I first met!!!
You see her mother, Lisa is the younger sister of Tonette and along with my lil sister, Gloria we were all close friends, or “play cousins”. Most of you know that I lost my sister in a car accident in 1992, so it was with mixed emotions when those memories came flooding back.
Michelle and her family are so beautiful and seeing them cutting the ribbon on their Nail Salon was truly a blessing to witness and an honor to be asked to share in on this day.
The WORKS Nail Salon is located at 3847 N Dupont Hwy Suite 2, Dover, DE 19901 and the turn out was tremendous, which was exciting for everyone involved.
Door Prizes, Fruit Cups, decadent cookies and cupcakes and a “Champagne Wall” added to the fun of the day. The Ribbon Cutting was conducted by Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce and a photographer was also in attendance. I was able to record the event for Melissa, while taking several photos myself, which you can see a few of them below.
According to the website, the studio offers nail artists that are able to provide quality nail services from acrylic and hard gel to natural nails. Natural nail health always taking precedence over everything. Our mission at TheWORKS Nail Studio is to provide a one of a kind experience through a team of personable highly skilled and creative professionals. We always say “it’s more than JUST nails” and the atmosphere, as well as the dynamic between our nail artists and clients embodies that.
If you are in the Dover area and are looking for a nail salon, make sure to check out The Works Nail Salon, I know I will be making an appointment soon as well!
However, I must admit that the highlight of my day was seeing both Tonette and Sharon, another friend from High School!
Click to see more pics on my TikTok page
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