Today we remember and honor all of our Veterans and I would personally like to thank Tom Hogate, President of the Veteran’s Outreach Ministries here in Delaware.
I am thanking Tom for not only what he does for Veterans today and every day, but also for the opportunity to submit an article for the VOM Magazine, Summer 2020 Issue entitled “Red Tails Tuskegee Airman” which you can read by clicking this link.

The VOM Magazine is a collaborative effort from local veterans, business owners, professionals, non-profits, and charities. In this magazine, representing information from the New Castle, Delaware, and Cecil County, Maryland areas.

Their aim to present helpful information as a resource for veterans who are seeking faith, employment, health, and lifestyle advice and direction. Click the cover below to view a PDF version of the Fall Edition. This quarterly magazine is designed by Grunge Muffin Design, a corporate partner.
If you do would like to submit an article or perhaps subscribe to this FREE magazine, click this link to enter your information or reach out to Tom at and visit their website to learn more about Veteran’s Outreach Ministries.
Copies of this Magazine:
Copies of the magazine are available for pickup at the Oasis Church or can be downloaded digitally below.

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