4 Tips on how to grow your show

4 Tips on How to Grow Your Show

You may have heard that starting a podcast can be simple but growing your show may prove to be a bit more difficult. As a podcaster since 2017, I understand that growing your show can be frustrating, so in this episode of the Delaware Blogger Podcast, 4 Tips on How to Grow Your Show, I covered these 4 ways in which to grow your show including:

  • Know Who You Are Talking To
  • Spend Less Time Editing and More Time Promoting Your Show
  • Be a Guest on Other Podcasts
  • Engage With Your Listeners

Next Saturday, I will share a few more tips, but please take a listen and if you found anything of interest or anything that you can use please share the show with your family, friends, and subscribe to the show as well.

This episode is being sponsored by Ignite Leadership 360, The Young Entrepreneurs Academy scheduled for July 19-23, 9 am to 3 pm, for kids ages 12-16.

If you have a budding entrepreneur that would benefit from learning more about business planning, leadership skills, graphic design, financial foundations, social media and podcasting, then register them at www.eventbrite.com/e/the-young-entrepreneurs-academy-the-foundations-tickets-156555418471

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If you want to learn more about my 5-Week Podcasting Your Purpose Coaching Sessions, send an email to [email protected] or head over to www.ablakeenterprises.com and you can always find and follow me on all my social media platforms at https://linktr.ee/delblogger

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