Yeah, it’s another Fridays Foodie feature with Kale, but this time it’s paired with Baked Chicken Thighs & Chick Peas.

I stopped at Trader Joe’s two week’s ago to purchase some healthy snacks and vegetables, check out the “Snack Attack” video below.
Anywho, while there I decided to purchase a package of chicken thighs and a can of Garbanzo Beans -aka- Chick Peas to cook with the Kale that I already had at home.
It was my intention to create a one-pan meal for the family and these ingredients fit the bill. However, I decided to bake the thighs after first browning them in a little Olive Oil sprinkled with Organic Rosemary.

After the chicken thighs browned on both sides, I placed them in a foil lined baking dish coated with a little more Olive Oil.
I used the same olive oil to saute the Kale and Chick Peas. Make sure to always rinse the top of the can under warm before opening it and rinse the beans in cold water before adding them to the kale.

The browned chicken thighs were placed in the oven which was pre-heated at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes to continue cooking them.
While the chicken bakes, saute the Kale until the leaves are soft and tender then add the Chick Peas and use rubber tipped tongs to toss as they cook to keep from smashing the beans.

Let’s Chat > What is your favorite recipe for kale?

Next week won’t be a kale recipe, but you know there will be another before the month end!
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3 thoughts on “Baked Chicken & Chick Peas with Kale”
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Kale & Pomegranate works hand in hand like Ebony and Ivory living in perfect harmony for men looking to naturally block Estrogen, flush out unhealthy Estrogen, and naturally raise Testosterone levels. Kale stacked in a juice machine with sweet potatoes (Yams), and a Granny Smith green apple will do the job of helping people sustain energy, lose weight, increase metabolic output, and stay on track with a long term diet and eating right.
I have to get some Pomegranate juice which is one of my favorites. I also need to get a new juicer because I love apples but have stopped eating sweet potatoes or all potatoes for that matter.
Thank you my friend, enjoy the weekend.