The number one often asked question that I get from business owners is: “Do I need a Business Blog”

My response has always been and will continue to be “Yes, you need a business blog.” Some counter back with, “we have a website” or “we are on Facebook” why do we need a blog?
The answer to those questions are; a website is static, it very rarely changes. Oh, perhaps the hours are updated or a few specials are posted but overall there’s nothing that changes that is shareable. However, if you are creating content; consistent content and promoting that content then you are more likely to appear in a Google search because if the content is good readers will share it.
When people search for a product or service or are looking for answers to a question a Facebook blog post is not going to show up, but a blog post will.
Facebook and the other social media platforms are free and the audience is rented so if you want to have control over who sees your content and when, it’s best to create and share that content in a blog post which can then be promoted via email or in a newsletter directly to your subscribers. You won’t have to worry if Facebook or Instagram goes down and you won’t have to “pay to play” in order for your content to be seen.
I recently had an opportunity to talk to a few business owners as part of the African American in the Arts program held at the Academy of Peace on why they need a business blog.

This program was presented by Omar Rashada who also gave me another opportunity to speak and promote my book, “Basic Blogging Tips for Beginners” on his show Sunday afternoon.

I addressed just a few reasons as to why they should consider creating a blog and if you wish to hear a few minutes of the presentation check out my IGTV Channel to view the clip.
If you are interested in learning a few blogging tips once you create your blog, you can purchase a copy of “Basic Blogging Tips for Beginners” by clicking this link
Also, if you are in Delaware please stop by Barnes and Noble on Concord Pike for our Black Women, Words and Wisdom Local Author Showcase and book signing next Sunday, 2/23/20 between 1-4 pm. as I would love to see you there.

Happy Marketing Monday!
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3 thoughts on “Do You Need A Business Blog?”
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Yes, these are good points! I think many don’t want to create a blog for business because they don’t like to write. I have so many students to attest to that fact! But, it’s still a good skill to have and it helps people to see another side of the person behind the business, sometimes.
On another note, my copy of your book should be reaching me shortly!! ?
Thank you sis, yes, you have to have a love of writing to be successful otherwise you pay someone like you and me to do it which then becomes our business. I definitely have your signed copy as soon as we connect again. Thank you and I hope to see you on Sunday at the book signing.
For as much as I love the speed and convenience of getting a message out there – there is something about a blog. More information, static, can be updated and can simply flow. I love being a blogger with a blog, not just something with a successful Instagram account who calls themselves a ‘blogger’! Sim x