does your podcast need a blog or a website

Does Your Podcast Need a Blog or a Website?

Hello friends, I trust you had a wonderful weekend. It was nice here in Delaware and the best part was that our son not only cooked dinner for us, but that he actually shopped for all the ingredients as well.

It was fun watching him prepare the pasta, steak and shrimp dish and his commentary was even funnier – he definitely needs to start his own show, but just getting him to cook was enough…I don’t want to push my luck!

This is a pic of the meal – it was tasty too!

Steak Shrimp and Pasta

Does Your Podcast Need a Blog or a Website?

Did you do anything special this weekend? Did you create any Bernie Memes? I did, check out these 2!!

Bernie Meme Delaware Blogger Podcast
Twilight Zone Bernie Meme

Well whatever you did, I do hope that you had an opportunity to listen to episode #240 of the Delaware Blogger Podcast, but if not, you can catch it here!

If you’ve ever considered creating a blog or website for your podcast, I’ll tell you that it’s a good idea. While it’s not 100% necessary, having a website can do a lot for you as far as promoting and finding your podcast through the search engines – or SEO.

I’ve been blogging since 2012 and yes, it takes time to build and grow an audience and increase readership and no it’s not easy, but you can do it and if you are looking for a place to begin, start by signing up with Podpage and please feel free to use my referral link :

The purpose of a blog or website is to house all your episodes in one location. Most podcasters post their shows on various social media platforms which is fine, but it’s much easier for your listeners to go to one site and you can also track your analytics from the one site as well.

Find the right Platform

If you want to build a blog or website from scratch, then I suggest GoDaddy because there are plenty of different templates so you can choose the look that you want and works well for the theme of your show.

I offer educational coaching and can teach you how to start a blog which is one of my offerings that begin at $299 or you can wait and enroll in my online Build a Blog course which is coming soon.

Build a Blog Cover Art

Podcast Posts

Use your show notes to create short blog posts about each episode. The content should include specific keywords for search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO is the way in which search engines rank certain websites. If you want your show’s website to show up on the first page of Google, consider adding high ranking keywords to your blog posts. If you need more assistance in researching keywords, try using Google’s keyword planner.

In addition to the show notes from your podcast episodes you should also include other key elements such as:

  • About The Host(s): Let your audience get t know you and the others if there are more than one
  • What to Expect: Why you started the show and what your audience can expect from it
  • Events: Showcase when you’re hosting  an event
  • CTA: What do you want them to do or where to go after reading the post

Post Promotion

The best part of having a blog or website is in promoting it via the various channels. Especially if your goal is to have listeners find your episodes all in one site, you need to make sure that you’re directing them to that site.

Make sure you add your URL to your social media bios or create a Linktree id which makes it easier to find. Your end of show CTA should let your listeners know where they can find you and ask them to leave comments on your posts because comments and reviews can also boost your SEO rankings.

So head over to the Delaware Blogger Podcast to listen to the entire episode as well as to subscribe so that you won’t miss any future shows!

Delaware Blogger Podcast promo pic

Do you have a blog or website for your podcast?

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