It’s officially the first day of summer, but with all the recent news about deaths and poisonings in the Dominican Republic as well as the shark attacks in South Carolina you may be thinking twice about this year’s travel plans. Will you and your family be taking a summer vacation or staycation?

Vacation Travel Tips

Whether you are traveling with kids or it’s just you and your boo, here are a few travel tips to take into consideration when preparing for a summer vacation trip away from home:

Be Flexible

You should always plan for delays and try not to get upset when things inevitably go wrong. Pack your patience which is extremely important especially when traveling because you don’t want to kick off your vacation in a bad mood.

Make a List

About a week or so before each trip, make a mental list of items you don’t want to forget — then write them down so you won’t.

Learn the local language at least a few phrases

If traveling to a destination where English is not the commonly spoken language, learning to say “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry” in the local language will definitely come in handy.

Pack an Extra Camera Battery (or Two)

Camera on vacation

Have you ever seen an epic sunset only to realize that your camera battery is dead and you don’t have a back up? Pack an extra camera battery or two so you won’t miss out on that perfect shot.

Make Photocopies of Important Documents

Make and keep a copy of your Passport, Driver’s License and Medical Cards in a separate bag from your main bag or purse in case you misplace or lose the originals.

Put Electronics, Medications, Toothbrush, and an Extra Pair of Underwear in Your Carry-on

A few important items should always go in your carry-on. A swimsuit is also a good idea if you are going on a beach vacation. You can buy most of these things if your bag gets lost, but having them in your carry-on will save you money and time if your luggage gets lost in transit.

Put Your Room Number & Hotel Address in Your Phone

Just in case you get lost or are staying at a large resort, having your hotel address, phone and room number can save you hours of frustration, especially if you had too much to drink and can’t think.

Avoid Free Public WIFI

If at all possible, avoid logging into your bank accounts or entering any passwords while using free public WIFI especially at places like an airport. However, if the hotel provides a password in order to use their WiFi you are better off doing so.

Alert Your Bank and Credit Card Company of Your Travel Plans

This is a great habit to get into if you don’t want your credit card company or bank to put a hold on your card while you are traveling while using a card that you may not have used recently while out of state or the country.

Let Someone at Home Know Your Plans

This is extremely important when traveling alone, but it’s still a good idea no matter how many people are in your travel group. Send an itinerary via an email to a close relative or friend at home.

Separate Your Sources of Money

Don’t keep all of your cash and cards in one spot. You should hide some cash and/or a back up credit/bank card in a separate bag, not the same bag as your wallet just in case it gets lost or stolen.

Travel First Aid Kit

Pack up a small First Aid Kit with aspirin, Benedryl, cold meds, Tums, cough drops, bandages, Activated Charcoal pills (these are a life saver for traveler’s diarrhea and minor allergic reactions), Neosporin, and other things that we may not always have easy access to when traveling. L

Let’s Chat > Will you be taking a vacation or a staycation this summer?

5 thoughts on “First Day of Summer Vacation or Staycation

  1. This is an excellent list for vacations. I think the most important one is be flexible. Plans change and we have to go with the flow or be miserable. I choose to be flexible and enjoy.

  2. Great tips!! I am very strict about wifi usage at hotels and airports and try not to use them. Enjoy your Summer Sis.

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