Have you heard the latest podcasting news?
Click to listen to the YouTube Video
Kim Kardasian, aka Mrs. Kanye West and Don Lemon, anchor on CNN both have signed podcasting deals. These Heavy Hitters are in the Podcasting Arena and so should you!
Why You Should Start a Podcast
We all have something to say, we have things to contribute and share with the world and we can literally changes thousands if not millions of lives – so now is the time to lace up your gloves and jump into the arena!
Schedule your 30-Minute Complimentary Conference Call today by sending an email to [email protected] or sign up for the 90-Minute Mini Coaching Session for $97 so that you can get started today.

Check out my podcasts on Anchor FM https://anchor.fm/delawareblogger and “Blog Your Way to a Business Profit” on Blog Talk Radio https://tinyurl.com/Blog2Profit and follow me on my blog https://delblogger.com
What are you doing this weekend? Why not spend some time at the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party and share a few posts of your own!
Show us your old posts and more on Traffic Jam Weekend!
Come on in to link up, share, and learn something with us.

The bloggers bringing this fabulous party to you:
Kimberly: Being A Wordsmith | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Evelyn: Eclectic Evelyn | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube | Tumblr
Our two guest co-hosts:

Antionette at DelBlogger

Follow DelBlogger:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube
These are the featured posts from Traffic Jam Weekend #237…

Tracy chose How to Make the Crochet LEGO Blanket – (With Photos!) from Craft-a-Boo. “Now is the time to start thinking Christmas. This would be a fantastic gift for any Lego fan! I am going to get started on one for my Lego maniac!”

Antionette chose Regrowing Grocery Store Vegetables from 3 Winks Design. “Because it reminded me of being in Elementary School and it’s such a fun project to do as a family.”

Kimberly chose My Family Goals from Jennifer A. Lambert. “Wow! This post really spoke to me. Jennifer laid out some truths about her upbringing that she has tried to overcome. She also listed her goals for her immediate family. They are very much aligned with how I am raising my son and what I am striving to do better with my family as a whole.”

Sonni chose 12 MONTHS OF DRINKS – PIPING HOT SUN BREWED TEA from Curly Crafty Mom. “Summer is just around the corner. I am going to try Carrie’s set up with Earl Grey, Peach Mango and Apple Cranberry teas.”

Michelle chose 99 Problems and #Fibromyalgia Is All Of Them from yadadarcyyada. “This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart being a fibromyalgia sufferer myself. I have been fortunate enough to have never been disparaged by a medical professional myself. That said, few have done much to help me either. I am finally getting some solutions to my problems, but it has taken me going outside of my health insurance network and paying specialists myself.”
Deja chose Some Books Worth Your Time from Adventures in Weseland. “This is an insightful collection of books, that genuinely educates the masses on the important human rights issues that are currently happening around the world.”

Just a few rules for the party…
- Grab a Traffic Jam Weekend button below for your site
- Link up as many of your old posts as you like below
- Take some time and visit the other posts
- Create some traffic jam for the hosts of this party
- Share this party on social media with the hashtag #trafficjamweekend