No Man is an Island and Neither is a Blogger – Get Out There and Mingle

No Man is an Island and Neither is a Blogger

If you are getting serious about blogging and are now ready to take it to the next level then you have to step out of your comfort zone to mix and mingle.

If you want to monetize your blog and gain recognition from advertisers then you will need to step up and step out. Self motivation and self promotion will aid in your success as a blogger whether you are writing full time or just part time.

Even if you are a blogger who writes to simply share inspiration, quotes or words of wisdom, no one will know that you are in the blogosphere unless you promote and connect with others.  


You can ill afford to sit behind a computer screen posting great content hoping someone will read it. You need to reach out to others whether through Social Media, word of mouth, or with flyers and business cards in the grocery stores…let people know that you are a blogger – be a proud blogger, like my grandmother used to say, “don’t hide your light under a bushel…let it shine!”

With so many social media platforms available all being free sources of advertisement, you should be using them to their fullest extent. Sign up for Twitter and use it; Sign up for a Facebook Fan page for your blog and use it; Sign up for Instagram or Pinterest to showcase your pretty pics; Sign up for Google+ and Linkedin and hang out with others in the same niche.


Do you need to use them all – NO – but you should be present and promoting your posts on all of them. As times progresses, check the engagement rate, choose at least two that are providing the most traffic then put the pedal to the metal to promote and engage with others on those two platforms.



As you grow you may feel the need for speed to grow your network and become active on the others, or perhaps even move on to visual marketing and promotion. Start creating livestream videos on Facebook or create a channel on IGTV. 

Building traffic and increasing readership takes time so don’t overwhelm yourself with thoughts that you need to be on every social media platform out there especially when a new one is introduced.

However, you should overwhelm yourself with the thoughts of self promotion and growing your blog so that advertisers begin to take notice, then perhaps one day you’ll be writing your posts from some far away island!  

Let’s Chat > If you could where in the world would you love to be blogging from?


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