Pet Podcasts

Pet Podcasts

Do you have a pet that you love to talk about? If so, you should start a Pet Podcast!


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Would you listen to a Pet Podcast? Well Audio Up is hoping that you will. Why, because a new podcast titled The Pet Show, is releasing two new episodes a week and features celebrity guests who love pets, plus the latest in pet care, pet style, pet media, and pet influencers.

The podcast launched July 14 and is hosted by Dennis Quaid along with writer Jimmy Jellinek.

Dennis and his miniature bulldog, Peaches will give the lowdown on The Pet Show, puppy love, and the exciting new aural endeavors he has coming up through the podcast production company he co-founded, Audio Up.

Pet Podcasts

So in this episode of Podcasting Your Purpose on YouTube I asked the following questions.

  • Are you a pet parent who can give tips, tricks and hacks on keeping your pets safe during fireworks or noisy demonstrations?
  • Are you a pet parent who can recommend brands of food that are best for pups, middle aged dogs or older dogs?
  • Are you a pet parent that can teach others how to keep a dog from biting, barking excessively or what their bathing frequency should be?

If so, and you have the answers to these questions and many more questions, then you can help new pet parrots with a Podcast.  Why not share your stories with a pet podcast, Dennis Quaid did and so should you.

The playing field has been leveled and you can build a brand with your voice and never having to act a day in your life like Dennis who has appeared in many movies including:

  • A Dog’s Purpose (how ironic)
  • The Intruder
  • The Parent Trap

Cats, dogs, hamsters, mice, hamsters, germils, reptiles even goldfish…if you’ve ever own any of these pets then you have information in which to share with those who have or are considering adopting or purchasing a pet.  Perhaps you can even team up with a local pet shop or SPCA with topics and sponsorships…so why wait start today!

Oh, and even if you are a breeder or have shown animals at local state fairs such as the Delaware State Fair, this would be another great podcast topic to discuss and show especially since Spotify is now including visual options along with audio.

To learn more, please send an email to [email protected] to schedule your 30-minute Complimentary Discovery Call and/or your 90-minute Mini Coaching Session for $97 – which is a great investment in yourself!

Make sure that you subscribe to this blog as well as to my podcasts so that you can keep up with the latest posts from the Delaware Blogger.

Blog Your Way to a Business Profit Podcasts and The Delaware Blogger Podcast  

Let’s Chat – Do you have a pet that you love to talk about?

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