podcasting pointers for pre-teens

Podcasting Pointers For Pre-Teens

In this episode of The Delaware Blogger Podcast, I covered more tips for for pre-teens thinking about starting a podcast which included:

  • Creating a Podcast Calendar
  • Branding Your Podcast
  • Recording Your Episodes
  • Editing Your Episodes
  • Promoting Your Podcast

Creating a content calendar is a good idea as it helps you to stay organized and ensures that you have topics to discuss each week.  When life happens you should also have episodes in the bucket so that you can just simply publish them without worrying about last minute recordings.

Branding Your Podcast is important especially if you are starting from scratch.  You should make sure that your title, cover art, fonts and titles are reflective of your brand.  If you already have a brand, try to keep the same fonts, colors and logo designs for consistent branding.
Recording Your Episodes should be done in a quiet space because sound quality matters.

Editing Your Podcast can be done with Audacity for PC or Garageband for MAC and checking out a few YouTube videos can help you learn how to do so.
Promoting Your Podcast is by far the most important and time consuming task so creating a website or blog can help with the SEO.

Make sure to listen to the entire episode and remember, “sharing is caring” so please share with a family member, friend or following.

Today’s episode is being sponsored by Db Journey, Scandianvian brand that makes backpacks and bags to help people on the move stay ready for anything. 

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Music herad in this podcast is provided by The Podcast Host and Alitu: The Podcast Maker

Find and follow me on all my social media platforms by clicking this link https://podcasterlinks.com/delaware-blogger-podcast/

Send an email to info@ablakeenterprises.com to schedule a 15-minute Complimentary Discovery Call and register for the 5-Week Podcasting Your Purpose Coaching Sessions.