Sipping Tea with AB & Capri Episode 3″The Hustle Don’t Have to Hurt!” Recorded Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Is the hustle or grind of getting ahead in life…helping you or sabotaging your success? This podcast is for you if…you’re doing all you can to make things happen in your life, but your relationships seem to be suffering.
Listen to Antionette Blake and Antoinette Capri discuss tips and new perspectives on hustling & grinding for success.

You’ll learn:
-Different definitions for hustle & grind
-What happens in the family during your hustle-How to support yourself and others through the hustle
-When you should stop hustling-Understanding yourself and others during your hustle
-The biggest tip to survive the hustle/grind-Why the Art of Conversation is so important
*** Lesson of the Podcast: Look forward to the benefits of hustling, but not at the expense of your relationships.