Top 10 Questions of the Weekend Episode 6/8/2020 from Podcasting Your Purpose YouTube Series.
On today’s episode of Podcasting Your Purpose the following questions were taken from various Facebook groups and from

- Why did you start a podcast?
- Do you use a script or just wing it?
- How are you marketing your podcasts?
- How long do you think an episodes should be (less than an hour/30 min/15 min)
- Audiograms Waave-vs- Headliner
- Where do you get ideas for your shows?
- Why has podcasting become so popular?
- How to start a podcast?
- Podcasting Best Practices (topic/content/consistency/community/audio/hosting/promotion)
- Free music sites — Kevin MacLeod & Commercial Kings intro
Click the link below to hear my answers to each of the questions and if you would like to schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call, send an email to [email protected]
If you have any questions that you wish to be answered for this weekly series, please send them to [email protected]
Make sure to listen to the Delaware Blogger podcast every Saturday at 10 am on Anchor FM – and “Blog Your Way to a Business Profit” every Wednesday at 1 PM @