Hello friends: I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the extra hour of daylight yesterday!

Spring is in the air and the month of March has started off with a bang. Last Thursday I was a presenter at DelTech’s 2020 Social Media Conference in Georgetown.

This was the 3rd year of the Social Media Conference however, it was my first time attending and so when I was asked to present last September it definitely was an unexpected honor.

The day began at 8:30 am with Check-in, Networking and a Continental Breakfast. The program began at exactly 9:00 am with welcomes from both Dr. Christopher Moody, Director of Workforce Development and Community Education at Del Tech and Dr. Mark Brainard, President of Delaware Technical Community College.

Natalie Hines officially kicked off the Conference and the Keynote speaker was Drew Fennell, Chief Communication and Experience Officer, Christiana Care.

After a 15-minute Coffee Break my Breakout Session began promptly at 10:30 and was held in Room D. The topic was “Blogging Basics and Podcasting Pointers to Grow Your Business” and it was attended by more than 60 participants. I have to admit that although I only had 45 minutes in which to present I was able to cover quite a bit which was received well by all.

During the day, I had an opportunity to meet and connect with several of the presenters including Dawn Mosley and Michelle Washington. With more than 400 attendees at this SOLD OUT conference we were able to capture the day with selfies and other fun photos.
Big Fish Grill sponsored the box lunches which were served before the last afternoon Breakout Sessions and Refuel Break Stations were set up after the “I Want My Question Answered!” portion of the program which was audience participation. The day ended with Raffles of Amazon Echos and I donated 3 Basic Blogging Tips for Beginners Books to serve as Giveaways as well.

It was a great day overall and I look forward to being a part of the 2021 Social Media Conference next year. However, tomorrow is the first “Podcasting Your Purpose” Workshop in Smyrna and I look forward to that as well!

So how was your first week of March? Check out more pics on my Instagram Page or use the hashtag to find others #dtccsmc2020

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8 thoughts on “2020 Social Media Conference in Georgetown”
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Looks like you had a blast, and learned a few things, too!
Yes: I did on both counts. Thank you for stopping by to comment!
Looks like an informative and successful event.
Yes, it was a great day and I met so many wonderful people there.
Glad you had a blast! What an awesome event!
Happy Tuesday!
That’s terrific! I would like to start speaking at some events but don’t even know how to get started.
“From the page to the stage” Offer to speak at local libraries, community and senior centers for Free to build your brand.