On Friday, I had an opportunity to be a guest on the Radio Show, Marketing Pulpit, hosted by Robert Gatewood. I was there to talk about the “5 Steps to Build a Business Blog.” However, not having a lot of air time I wasn’t able to fully cover all the information that I had prepared.

So on today’s post I will share it here which also includes 5 Reasons Why Someone Should Blog and 5 Tips for Successful Blogging.
Whether you are a new blogger or one that is well established, there are always tips that we can share so I hope you will leave a few of your own in the comment section below.

5 Reasons to Start a Business Blog
- A blog humanizes the company’s brand in an H2H manner
- A blog provides more opportunities to be found online
- A blog gives you more online networking opportunities
- A blog allows you to spend more time with your audience
- A blog increases your SEO (Search Engine Optimization

People go to social media to socialize and not to be sold to, so you should provide content that is more than just about your product or service. You have to connect with them in an H2H manner – Heart To Heart. Let them know that you care and they will be more than willing to share and trust you with their circle of family and friends and purchase from you when it’s time to buy.
Offer content that is relevant to them in a holistic multi-dimensional manner. Share content that is of interest and value to them based upon your niche or target market audience. Unlike a “hit it and quit it” social media post, a blog post open for comments gives you more time to engage and network with your audience.
Also, remember, that you are renting your audience from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like and that these rentals are built on free platforms so do not build your business solely on these platforms. Instead use these platforms to drive traffic to your website, blog or brick and mortar store.
A website is static and doesn’t change much, therefore, if you want to be found quicker, creating consistent blog content increases the probability that you will be found on the search engines, increasing your SEO or search engine optimization.

5 Steps To Building a Blog
- Choose Blogging Platform or add tab to current website
- Register Your Domain Name
- Purchase Web Hosting
- Choose Theme
- Create a Content Calendar and Start Writing
If you have an existing website you can simply add a page which will be dedicated to your blog posts, otherwise, you will need to choose a blogging platform, ie. WordPress.org and a hosting site such as GoDaddy or Blue Host after purchasing your domain name at sites such as NameCheap.com.
There are many free themes on the WordPress platform, however, you can always find and purchase others at websites such a Theme Forest.

Using a calendar, hard copy or online, think about and write out topics that you wish to share. You can even ask your clients what they want to know more about and use these as ideas for future blog posts.
Think about creating weekly themed posts such as “Motivational Monday” or “Funny Friday” and write content about your product or service on these posts.

5 Tips For Successful Blogging
- Post Consistently
- Content is King – Let Your Customers Wear the Crown
- Create and Use Visuals/Videos/Graphics/GIFS
- ABC’s – Always Be Creating
- Social and Share
The 3-C’s of blogging is Content, Consistency and Communities. We’ve heard that “Content is King”, but you want it to be good enough that your customers wear the Crown or want to share it with their circle of family and friends as well.
Always use images, graphics or videos as most people don’t like to read and are turned off by total text. Humans have the attention span that less of a Goldfish which is about 7 seconds, so you have to capture them in the first few seconds.

The ABC’s of blogging – Always Be Creating.
There is always something interesting happening in around your community so feel free to share it with your followers. Share local events that are happening in your neighborhood or within your state and feel free to share tips and hacks that help your audience. When you share events and other’s content, they may even share yours, but make sure to cite your sources.
This is just a bit more of the information that I wanted to share with the listening audience and I had a great time as a guest on Robert’s show, I am looking forward to being invited again.
I am also looking forward to having him as a guest on the DelBlogger Podcast, which by the way, I just celebrated my 100th Episode with an interview of my son.
Let’s Chat : What are some blogging for business tips can you share with us?

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1 thought on “5 Steps To Build a Business Blog : Tips From The Marketing Pulpit”
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Great reminder of the ABC’s!!! Never make fun of a goldfish again. Love your podcast with your son.