Boomers and Beyond Cover Art for Episode #33

Downsizing Strategies for Boomers: Decluttering, Selling, and Moving

Hello, Boomers and Beyond community!

Welcome back to the delightful corner of the internet where we discuss what truly matters to the seasoned and vibrant boomer generation. I’m your host, Antionette Blake, also known affectionately as the DE Divah, your friendly Delaware Blogger.

This week, on episode 33 of my podcast, we discussed the ever-important topic of downsizing. If you missed the chat, here’s a quick rundown of what we discussed and why downsizing might just be the empowering step you need to embrace your golden years with gusto.

Many of us find ourselves rattling around in houses that, while filled with cherished memories, may no longer be functional or financially practical. We talked about my family’s journey from a bustling McMansion in Middletown, Delaware to a cozy, single-floor ranch in Smyrna—how it freed us mentally and financially while bringing us closer to amenities we love.



The steps to successful downsizing are simple but significant:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Think about what really matters in your next living space. Do you want everything on one level? Are you craving proximity to family, friends, or recreational facilities?
  2. Declutter and Decide: Downsize your belongings thoughtfully. Consider what to keep, sell, donate, or trash. Remember, one person’s “trash” might be another’s treasure!
  3. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to call in the pros—from real estate agents to specialty moving companies catering to seniors—they can make transitions smoother and hassle-free.


Couple preparing to downsize



This isn’t just about moving to a smaller space; it’s about embracing a new chapter filled with potential and freedom. The weight of excess and upkeep can be lifted, inviting more life experiences and less time on housework—believe me, I do my chores now in under an hour!

As you ponder or begin this transformative journey, know that it’s one filled with opportunities for creating new, precious memories. For any of you contemplating this change, take it from someone who’s been there: You’re going to love it!




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I’d love to hear from you—how are you tackling the idea of downsizing? What has your experience been like or what concerns linger in your mind? Share your thoughts, tips, and stories in the comments section, or drop a line on the podcast.

Remember, by joining us on the Boomers and Beyond Podcast, you’re not only tuning into a conversation, you’re opening up to a community of shared experiences and inspirations. Don’t forget to subscribe to both the podcast and this DelBlogger Blog for more insightful and uplifting content tailored for our seasoned yet ever-youthful audience.

Until next time, don’t worry, be happy—and let’s journey together beyond the boom!


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