Hello my friends, I trust you had a nice week and are now getting ready for a wonderful weekend!
In case you missed Wednesday’s Out & About with Antionette Podcast Interview of Omar Rashada, click the link below to listen.
Omar “Showtime” Rashada, is an actor, author, talk show host, media mogul and Zumba instructor as well as a staple in the media world especially here in the state of Delaware.
Omar began his acting career in 1999, and starting teaching Zumba in 2016. Acting and playwriting was his first love and hopes that it continues to become a full time position.
His first play was entitled “Family” and he is now working on the completion of his 6th play, “6 Black Men” a monologue type play.
In 2018, I had an opportunity to appear on his show , so it was only natural, that once I relaunched my podcast I wanted to interview him for my show.

“From Years to Glory: The Stories of our Lives” – Interview with Omar Rashada
Two years ago, Omar created a non-profit, Showtime TV Productions and it is his vision to bring educational and inspirational programming for students and seniors in Delaware.
Pre-Covid forced him to Zoom interviews, but he has recently returned to in-person interviews and his first guest was Larry Morris at Artzcape in Wilmington, and he will continue in-person interviews monthly.
If you wish to contact Omar to learn more about his non-profit, please call him at 302-743-2067 or send an email to omarrashada@yahoo.com
Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to subscribe to Out & About with Antionette Podcast so that you won’t miss any future episodes.