Side Hustles: From the Silly to the Successful

Blogging was once considered a side hustle or a hobby but it has since turned into a business, one that is becoming profitable as well.  These days most people find themselves with a side hustle or a side gig whether it’s for the additional income to make ends meet, or to save for something big or simply because it’s enjoyable.  

Any way you look at it side hustles can be lucrative as well as fun and on this Podcast, I talked about a few of them – the silly as well as the successful ones.



When launching any business, large or small, it is never all roses and rainbows trust me, it’s hard work and headaches.   Many of us, myself included have spent years working and helping others build and achieve their dreams while letting our own passions and ambitions fall to the wayside, which is just one reason why side hustles have become such a popular trend now more so among millennials.


Side gigs allow us to focus on our own goals without sacrificing income or giving up opportunities to learn and grow from working with or for others.  A side hustle is not a new concept, it is a relatively an old concept made popular in recent years by the younger generation who recognize that they have passions and dreams of their own that they may not be able to pursue full-time due to various reasons.  


They need jobs to support themselves, experience to grow, a way of earning enough money to put food on the table and/or pay off college student loans.


Side hustles allow us to still build our dreams without giving up our monetary support or full-time jobs. Often times people stumble into a side-hustle, realizing they can truly succeed at it without having to sacrifice other aspects of their lives.

Click on the link to listen to the Podcast then come back and leave a comment as to whether or not you would try one of these side hustles or it you are side hustling now.



The information in this blog is provided “AS IS” with no warranties and confers no rights.  This blog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer, it is solely my opinion.

Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely insane in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.

4 thoughts on “Side Hustles: From the Silly to the Successful

  1. Who? What? Did someone say “side hustle?” Side hustles is the new fashion trend in today’s era of affiliate information technology. Affiliate marketing and side hustles is that “new new.” People from all walks of life are seeking unique way does make the side hustle work for them. No one wants to work for someone else on a day job for 20 to 40 years. This is the beauty of side hustles and putting yourself in the grand position to make money online from the comfort of your laptop computer or anywhere.

    Bloggers and Internet marketers are silent rock stars because we just as big as US politicians. And we end up in the long run making more money than them too. 🙂

    1. Yes, most people I know have been side hustling for years and it’s a great way to do something that you enjoy without sacrificing the stability of a current position until it’s time to leave the 9-5.

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