AARPDE & Delta Sigma Theta Presents the 2018 Financial Empowerment Forum

As a volunteer for AARP Delaware I often attend their events and also share articles of interest for my readers and this one is definitely worth sharing no matter your age!

AARPDE & Delta Sigma Theta Presents the 2018 Financial Empowerment Forum

Michelle-Singletary-photoYou are invited to join AARP and the Wilmington (DE) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at the CHASE Center in Wilmington for the 2018 Financial Empowerment Forum on Saturday, November 17. This free event will gear you up for financial freedom no matter your age. Breakfast and lunch are included.

The keynote speaker is Michelle Singletary; and she will discuss how to prevent fraud along with Deputy Attorney General Gina Schoenberg; find funding for college with the Scholarship Shark; and manage your budget and debt with dFree. You’ll even gain valuable community tips at a resource fair.

According to the AARP Website:

  • Keynote speaker Michelle Singletary will give you tips and ideas to help manage your finances. Michelle writes the nationally syndicated personal finance column, “The Color of Money,” which appears in The Washington Post on Wednesday and Sunday. Her award-winning column is syndicated by The Washington Post Writer’s Group and is carried in more than 100 newspapers. She is the author of three books, “The 21 Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Free” “Spend Well, Live Rich: How to Live Well With the Money You Have” (Random House) and “Your Money and Your Man: How You and Prince Charming Can Spend Well and Live Rich” (Random House).  As part of her commitment to community service, Singletary volunteers as the director of “Prosperity Partners Ministry,” a financial program she founded at her church, First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG), in which women and men, who handle their money well, volunteer to mentor others who are having financial challenges.


  • Protect yourself and your family from fraud at a panel discussion with Delaware’s Deputy Attorney General Gina Schoenberg. Gina will join experts in utilities fraud and financial scams to prepare and forewarn you to take charge when scammers come your way.


  • Seek out scholarships at a session with Pam Andrews, the Scholarship Shark. She has successfully secured over $700 thousand dollars in scholarships for her son and over $1 million for others. She has the road map to get into your dream college, and pay for it.


  • Jump-start your journey into financial freedom with dFree. More than 70 percent of Americans do not live on a budget. “Ballin’ on a Budget,” offers tips and tools on how to create a budget, reduce spending, and form healthy spending habits.

Resources fair with information for any age, including the Office of Social Security, AARP Tax Aide, and more!

This event is free of charge. Breakfast and lunch provided. Parking is free and plentiful.

WHEN: Saturday, November 17, 2018

8:30 am – 1:00 pm

WHERE: CHASE Center on the Riverfront

815 Justison Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

RSVP required at

or call 1-877-926-8300.

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