Greetings and salutations my friends I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. My sister and her girlfriend visited us from Florida and we all had a great time catching up over dinner at Red Lobster – I know…I know… I shouldn’t have indulged, but it had been over 10 years since the last time we had eaten there so no harm no foul!

Weekend with my sister Veronica from Florida

It’s Monday, so you know what that means, it’s another Marketing Monday post. Today’s Basic Blogging Tips are Episodes 5 & 6 from my Anchor FM Podcasts series.

Delaware Blogger Podcast Promo

If you haven’t heard of Anchor FM, or don’t have a Podcast then you may want to think twice about that decision. As a matter of fact, I will be conducting a Podcast Training Webinar tomorrow August 6th at 6:00 PM 

​​​​​​​This 2-hour webinar will cover a lot of valuable information on not only starting your own Podcast on Anchor FM but you will also receive checklists with tips to get you started and suggestions on how to build your tribe along with 30-days of unlimited email support for only $150. 

If you are interested, please complete the form below or send an email to [email protected].

Today’s post contains Episode #5 Choosing a Domain Name and Episode #6 Creating a Content Calendar so take a listen, share on your social media platforms, then leave a comment if you have any questions or other suggestions.

Episode #5 – Choosing a Domain Name

Episode #6 – Creating a Content Calendar

8 thoughts on “Basic Blogging Tips an Anchor FM Podcast Episodes 5 & 6

  1. Podcasting is also beneficial for SEO, inbound natural back links, improved long-term search engine optimization, as well is a great way to get free advertising and direct promotion for affiliate links.

    The beauty of podcasting is it allows listeners to hear the podcast his voice and begin feeling some sort of emotional attachment to the podcast show, subliminally motivating the listener to continually tune in for future podcast shows. Moreover, podcast shows allows the podcast or and listeners to directly interact, giving the podcast or the grand opportunity to answer listeners questions and build rapport with their target listening audience.

    I agree with you that podcasting should never be overlooked for bloggers and Internet marketers looking to achieve the future status of “side hustle millionaire.” 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s a great platform in which to connect on a deeper more intimate level. After all the biggest sexual organ is between the ears, our brains and so when listening to Podcasts most do so with earbuds or headphones between the ears – straight to the brain!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I listen to podcasts when exercising or driving. Sounds like great topics!

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