


Content is king, it’s what keeps your readers coming back, no matter the topic or niche. People have so many other options with millions of blogs out there that you need to have good content to capture their attention.

If you need a content inspiration: read, whether it’s magazines, newspapers, online articles or other blogs there is always something of interest to write about. Live life, go for a walk, take a drive or attend an event because you never know when inspiration will strike and ignite a spark for a great blog post idea. Keep a notepad in your car, on the nightstand, in your tote bag or briefcase, use a smartphone app like Evernote to capture ideas that pop into your head.

If you need inspiration for a blog post, take a walk, live life! 




This is especially important for new blogs that don’t have an established readership or followers. Being consistent in your posting schedule is also important to keep people coming back. If you begin posting daily and then cut back to 2 or 3 times a week, that’s fine, however, skipping weeks and months will break the connection between you and your readers.

Writer’s Block can and will occur, which is why you should always have several posts in draft waiting to be published.  You can post an inspirational message, a poem or even a picture until you are ready to begin writing again.  Still stuck?  Seek out others to provide guest posts or hire a writer via Fiverr.





Writer’s Block is when your imaginary friends won’t talk to you anymore! 



Writing great blog posts regularly is fine, but it means nothing if no one is reading them.  If after pressing the “publish” button you think people will magically flock to your blog is a big mistake. As much as we wish our family and friends would read and share every blog post, in reality, that’s not going to happen either.

You have to put forth the effort to drive connections back to your blog and becoming part of communities is a way in which to do so.

Join Facebook groups

Join Google+ communities

Join or host Linky Parties




Another great way to have people find your blog is to comment on others, make sure to leave meaningful comments as this can generate a return to your site

Share links to your posts on all your Social Media networks, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ are all great sources for blog traffic. Have at least 1 good, clear picture to post on Pinterest and Instagram and don’t forget to hashtag (#) any relevant keywords or phrases for greater exposure.

Post your blog’s link along with a comment on the Facebook or Twitter pages of the company or organization if referencing their products or services. If it gets noticed by their media reps, they may even “like” or “retweet” it to their followers giving you even more exposure.

Create an Instagram or Twitter video (Periscope) introducing your blog post or create a YouTube video if you are doing a tutorial or showcasing an event.  Sign up for Anchor FM and create a 5 minute Podcasts to introduce and direct traffic to your blog.

Schedule your posts on Bufferapp or Hootsuite so that they re-post at different times during the day or week. Think globally because as you are fast asleep in one time zone there are millions of others up and online in another.

Re-share: If you have old posts that are still relevant, share them again.

Don’t forget to promote your blog offline as well with Business Cards, brochures or in my case, a car vehicle tag! 


To learn more about my blogging services, please head over to ABlakeEnterprises.




There are so many ways in which to share your blog, just remember that the 3-C’s working together will increase your exposure and give you the motivation to continue creating awesome posts.

Do you have any ideas on how to self-promote your blog?


Disclosure: This Post Contains Affiliate Links


7 thoughts on “3 C’s of Blogging: CONTENT, CONSISTENCY & COMMUNITY

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