Okay, so I hadn’t been feeling my best for quite a while, just attributed it to the fact that I was laid off from a job in Corporate America of which I had worked for 32 years. I knew working from home starting my own business would be stressful, but after all I am almost 58 years old, I’ve dealt with stress many times in my life.

Hubby was diagnosed with Colon Cancer over five years ago, underwent surgery and chemotherapy and is doing great, but still living with cancer. He heads to Helen Graham bi-monthly for treatments to keep those cancerous cells in check. #cancersucks

Tayair, is doing well, he’ll be 27 years old in June, but I still remember the day the nurses in NICU at AI DuPont Children’s Hospital told us to prepare for his death, after all, he was a 3 month preemie, weighing only 2.8 pounds and born with a condition called Tracheo Esophageal Fistula (TEF).

Tayair and Gregory Blake
Hubby and Tayair

No diabetes in the family or at least none that I knew of; my grandmother raised my sister and myself and my parents died many years ago perhaps from too much drinking, smoking or living life in excess – who knows – that’s water under the bridge. My youngest sis, Gloria was killed in a car accident in 1992 and Mama died from old age, transitioning on May 1, 2009 at the age of 98 – with no diabetes diagnosis ever.

Oh well, the only thing to do now it adjust my lifestyle and that starts with my diet. However, since hubby’s diagnosis we have been eating healthy, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, no white sugar, salt and little to no red meat even though my Slow Cooked Lamb Recipe was off the hook. I gave up my wine and beer two weeks ago and have increased my water intake and started to exercise more.

So after leaving the doctor’s office I stopped at the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for dinner and that included fresh salmon, fresh string beans and cauliflower.

Baked salmon, fresh string beans and cauliflower.
Baked Salmon, Fresh String Beans and Cauliflower

I now need to read up on Type 2 Diabetes and come up with some tasty menu ideas so if you have any, please feel free to share them with me.

Let the journey begin!

Antionette Blake, the Delaware Blogger diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
Please feel free to share your stories or recipes with me and please subscribe to the blog to keep up with my journey.

16 thoughts on “Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes – What’s Next?

  1. Greetings Mrs. Blake,

    Sorry to hear about you and your husband’s health challenges. This is the perfect time for great minds come together as you and your husband can be a coalition content marketing team in promoting your content on your blog to the public 9th step. If you can find a way to amp up content production on your blog to at least 2000 to 2500 words daily five days a week for two years consistently, you can possibly have yourself in the financial position of earning 4 to 5 figures monthly. It’s all about content, consistency, and most importantly, relationships. And from what I see, you have many successful relationships with lots of people throughout the “state of Delaware.” If you can write a post one day of 2000 to 2500 words, and your husband writes content at least 2 to 3 times weekly in that same word amount or close to, your can be the ultimate husband-and-wife content marketing team, whereas you’ll possibly earn a full-time income off of the blog and no longer need your.job at Delaware technical community college.

    You have to get more consistent and start writing “lots and lots of content.” Most importantly, you can achieve your content marketing goals if you start writing your content in blank Google Docs documents. If you have a headset with a microphone, plug it in and start using your voice as a means of writing content. Google Docs has a free speech recognition program that you can use to transform your voice into content, which will in turn boost your long-term search engine optimization and search engine marketing goals. The speech recognition program does make some mistakes, so you’ll have to go over and proofread your work before publishing the final copy to your blog.

    This blog comment is being written using a Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech recognition program running using 2 GB of memory on a desktop computer. So if you choose to get Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking for your home computer or laptop, make sure you have enough RAM-memory on your PC whereas its 4 GB or more. Preferably 8 GB and better.

    Hopefully, I gave you something to think about in terms of taking your blog to the next level and boost your search engine rankings, so you can increase your side hustle income and maybe someday become a “side hustle millionaire.” 🙂

    1. Thank you sir for the affirmation, as this had been in the back of my mind for a long time, however, it was to be more about my son and husband, however, God had other plans which now includes my story.

      I have been praying diligently for guidance and now it’s time to put in the work – I thank you for your support, suggestions and information, stay tuned for more to come.

    1. Thank you Qiana, to say the diagnosis came as a shock would be an understatement, however, there are not mistakes made. This is an opportunity to change my lifestyle and share my journey with others. Thank you for your support.

  2. The usually recommended daily energy intake for the non-obese diabetic patient is between 1500 and 2500 calories per day, the average allowance being 2000 k calories per day. The recommendation for the overweight diabetic patient is between 800 and 1500 k calories per day, while the underweight (including growing children and adolescents) should be allowed at least 2500 k calories/day. accordingly plan the dietary chart with the diabetes controlling foods and follow dietary guide lines to control diabetes. This is latest research link for the dm management..hope this is useful

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