Leave Your Legacy with a Blog

Leave Your Legacy with a Blog

If you have been following me for a while, then you know that I literally have hundreds of pictures, not only in my living room but also in large plastic totes in the basement.  As a matter of fact, I have pictures that I need to send to family members as I can no longer store them.

This is what my living room looks like and this is not even half of the photo albums!  How about you, do you have baskets and boxes full of old photos, photo albums filled with Wedding pictures, graduations, vacations and baby books?  Pictures with your parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandparents, old classmates and maybe even strangers? 

Leaving a Legacy in The Cloud 3


If you have a Gen Z or millennial son or daughter with a Smartphone then you know it seems as if it’s growing out of their hands!

Leaving a Legacy in The iCloud

Have you thought about the fate of all those pictures when you have passed on? Do you think your kids or grandkids will safely keep and store all those photos just as you did?


However, with a blog, you can leave a legacy, a digital footprint for your family in the future.

All those Instagram pics and Pinterest pins are ways in which your kids, grandkids and great grandkids will remember you. Your Facebook posts, tweets, and blog posts can be stored in the Cloud for generations to come! No more saving snapshots with Snapfish, no need for VHS and DVD tapes and discs when you have Periscope, Livestream, YouTube, and Vine.

Could you have ever imagined that the tripod would be replaced by a selfie stick monopod?  The time capsules of yesteryear are being replaced by touchscreen watches of this year…that’s if you care to wait in line for one!

So snap away with your iPhone and Android, ignore the stare of strangers as you take selfies in the middle of the street (safely) because with Social Media you are leaving behind a legacy.  A legacy to be stored in the Cloud for your loved ones to enjoy long after you have passed through the clouds on your way to Glory!


Here is a PDF Step by Step Guide to get you started.


To learn more about my blogging services, please head over to ABlakeEnterprises.

6 thoughts on “Leave Your Legacy with a Blog

    1. Rebecca, yes, I love saving pictures on my blog because not only do I have pictures of the boys growing up and our annual vacations to Disney World which have albums of their own, I also have my grandmother’s pictures of relatives that are 100’s of years old. I know that my sons will simply throw away any of those they don’t know and that is 90% of everything.

  1. It’s an interesting idea – except I wonder if blogs are “forever”. Perhaps the Internet won’t be forever, either. Our digital world is fragile. Remember floppy disks? I have lots of old fashioned photos, but thousands and thousands of digital photos residing on two cell phones. I do wonder about their fate.

    1. Alana, believe it or not, I still have photos on discs as well as negative strips, remember them. However, I believe everything will evolve and unfortunately paper photos are becoming few and far between.

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