Missing Mom and Blogging Away the Blues

Mother’s Day has been bittersweet for me since 2009, and if you have been following me for awhile you will remember the post that I wrote.  If not, please check back in onSunday as it will be reposted.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my sons and enjoy our annual dinners atRuby Tuesday’seven though Malik hasn’t been home to celebrate in the past two years…however, he does call.

Anyway, any time that I get to spend time with my mini men it’s Mother’s Day!

Both hubby and I are adult orphans as neither of us have parents nor grandparents and it’s during the month of May when we miss our mothers and grandmothers the most.

Hubby’s mother, Adelaide passed away in August 2013, but her birthday was May 6th and I lost my grandmother on May 1st 2009, so May is a month of mourning as well as a celebration of Mother’s Day.

Listening to a recent radio broadcast I heard a doctor say that journaling is a great way to cope with depression and as you know Blogging is journaling so Blogging is Good for the Mind, Body and Soul!
How do you deal with stress and depression…how do you deal with loss and grief?  Writing clears the mind and heals the soul so why not start a blog?

If you are in Delaware, stay tuned for the schedule of the next Blogging and Beauty Mixer to be held at Reallook Med Spa in June.
Seating for the first Blogging and Beauty Mixer is at capacity and I am looking forward to meeting with the attendees so we can discuss why having a blog is good for the mind body and soul.
If you are interested in starting a blog or are looking to make your current one better, head over to my website or send an email to book a one-on-one consultation, ABlake Enterprises.
I am wishing all my moms, grandmas, Nanas, MomMoms a very

3 thoughts on “Missing Mom and Blogging Away the Blues

  1. I am an orphan Mom also – and it is such a perfect phrase. Mother’s Day is always bittersweet for me, but I am blessed to have known my son as an adult, something I was never able to have with my own mother or grandmothers.

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