Skipping the Crisis in Life

I had an opportunity to reconnect with Valerie Albarda, Content Creator of MidLife-A-Go-Go Blog and Podcast and the founder of “The Invisibilty Trifecta Projectas well as the messenger of Skipping the Crisis in Life.

Valeria Albarda

Valerie and I first connected in 2019 when I was invited to be a guest on her Podcast, Midlife-A-Go-Go and what inspired me was that she had created a perfect platform for women of a particular age – 50+.  The women she interviewed were amazing and the topics she covered were timely and she has always been an advocate for women of color who are living and loving out loud as a Boomer and beyond.

At the age of 57, on October 22, 2020, after suffering months of pain, Valerie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  Needless to say it was a surprise to have received that diagnosis at her stage in life, but she decided that she wasn’t going to allow it to control her she was going to take control of it.  Valerie is now an advocate for MS, she is the District Advocate Leader of MS who speaks to government officials on the needs for research, diagnosis and treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

Valerie’s tagline, “Enjoy the midlife…skip the crisis” is how she lives her life and although she will be taking a hiatus after season 7 of her podcast, she will be launching “The Invisibility Trifecta Project” a platform for women of color going through midlife.


Her TEDx Talk was based upon an experience that she encountered one day while shopping at a H&M store when she was ignored, but vowed to be acknowledged and heard, so click this link to listen to the entire episode as she explains it all.

“Enjoy Life One Step at a Time!”

“Respond to Life – Not React to It”

“Sense of positivity – not the end but the beginning”

“Celebrate Mid-Life”

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