Successful Bloggers Are Selfish

Successful Bloggers Are Selfish


Successful Bloggers are SELF-starters;

Successful Bloggers are SELF-promoters;

Successful Bloggers are SELF-motivators who are willing to step out of their comfort zones;

Once you have mastered being selfish the fun begins!


Build your brand and self-promote using hashtags on all your social media networks for name recognition to become an expert in your niche.


self promotion makes you successful


Being selfish pays off, but don’t isolate yourself or you will find yourself alone.

Make sure you schedule some time to get away from yourself and mingle with others.  Join a weekly Linky Party or Facebook Group of the same interests and share, but this is not where you want to be selfish

At the party, visit others blogs and leave meaningful comments and you’ll make new friends and perhaps even gain new followers.

Once you have mastered the art of being selfish you’ll be one step closer to success.


Are you a selfish blogger?




16 thoughts on “Successful Bloggers Are Selfish

  1. Hehe, nicely put 🙂

    However, by promoting others, saying nice things about them, you create “emotional debt”, forcing them to validate your words about them, by promoting you and your qualities. If I said about you for instance; “You are brilliant” (which you are) – You would want to make people listen to my words, by telling them; “That guy is brilliant, you should listen to him”, etc – Creating a positive viral emotional effect …

    But I agree, since the exercise arguably is a selfish exercise … 😉

  2. Every week I post a blog and I try to read and comment on as many other blogs as I can! Self promotion is something women I think have to work at more than men. We sometimes self deprecate as we self promote where men don’t feel that need.

  3. Every week I post on Sunday and during the week post on Midlife and read others work. It’s my only SELF promotion. If I had the time, I would do more. THANKS.

  4. I am wildly selfish about my blog. That means I came to my own terms of success. Of course, I dreamt of becoming as wildly read as, say, Pioneer Woman when I began but as time went on I discovered that was an adolescent wish for me. It was akin to liking to act and wanting to me a movie star. My blog, my success, is more hobby. It’s the quiet time in early morning when I get to write. It’s the thrill of self expression and creativity. When I selfishly hold onto what I love about blogging and keep it in the forefront, I feel wildly successful.

    1. Not only do you feel successful, but my dear you are definitely wildly successful – keep on doing what you enjoy and life will return you with more success than you ever imagined.

    1. Yes, Sharing is Caring and I always encourage others to step away from their own blog, read others and leave an engaging comment such as what you have done. Thank you!

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